Expanding Manufacturing Capabilities
Many established companies are manufacturing product types that their equipment can still make. But when they start stretching the limits of their product type, or they need to add capacity, then it’s time to look at your full set of needs and consider not just adding capacity, but capability. See our sample systems »
A Valuable Perspective
The path to the next level isn’t always apparent, or perhaps there are so many possible paths it becomes overwhelming. One of the ways we provide value to manufacturers is to deliver a fresh, unbiased outside perspective. We begin by understanding your goals and objectives and by identifying the stresses and pressures that are standing in the way of progress. Then we ask:
- Is there a better way?
- Is there a need for a change?
- Is there a need to upgrade?
- Where can efficiencies be realized?
- Where can quality be improved?
- And – perhaps most importantly – will you get a return on your investment?
Start from scratch
In other instances, it’s at the birth of a product where we can add value. Converting a laboratory or prototype process into a production-automated line is no small undertaking. Many times, our clients are experts in the specific sheet-based, low-volume process, but they need assistance automating it into a roll-to-roll line. Complicating matters is that the materials will behave differently in web form, introducing stresses and material variabilities that aren’t present in sheet form. We understand web handling and web automation systems applications, enabling our customers to achieve cost-effective production of high-value products.
Northfield Automation Systems provides you with unsurpassed roll-to-roll expertise – from material knowledge to automation equipment design and manufacturing – to help you take your manufacturing operation to the next level.